Alia Bhatt fangirling over Elvish Yadav gets coined as her ‘downfall’ Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt found herself at the centre of online criticism on Wednesday. The actress sparked a wave of reactions after she shared personal insights that garnered both attention and backlash from internet users. The first incident arose when Alia disclosed that her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, often advises her to remove her lipstick. While seemingly trivial, this revelation stirred a heated debate online, with many interpreting it as a potential ‘red flag’ in a relationship. Adding to the controversy, Alia’s participation in an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on Instagram led to unexpected repercussions. She openly expressed her admiration for Elvish Yadav, the winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2. This surprising display of fandom raised eyebrows, given Alia’s stature as a prominent actress. Netizens struggled to reconcile this unexpected endorsement, resulting in a surge of trolling directed towards Alia. Critics framed this as a moment of ‘downfall’ However, the situation escalated when Alia responded to a fan’s query about Elvish Yadav. She used the term ‘Systummm,’ coined by Yadav. This response ignited further criticism and trolling across social media platforms, with X (formerly Twitter) becoming a focal point for the backlash. One wrote, “what a downfall for such a talented actor,” another wrote, “Love marriage is scary, what if she…,” Have a look at the tweets below: What are your views on this? Let us know in the comments below.

via IWMBuzz

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