Sunil Lahiri (Lakshman) reacts to Alia Bhatt playing Sita read Sunil Lahiri who portrayed the role of Lakshman in the iconic television series Ramayan has shared his thoughts on Alia Bhatt being cast as Sita in an upcoming film. Lahiri expressed his belief that both Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor who will be playing Ram are talented actors who can do justice to their respective roles. Sunil Lahiri believes Alia would have been a fit as Sita if the movie was made five years ago However he mentioned that he feels Bhatt would have been a better fit for the character of Sita if the film had been made five years earlier. Lahiri further emphasized the importance of maintaining the essence and integrity of the Ramayana while adapting it for a new version urging the filmmakers to keep the treatment of the epic respectful and true to its core values. Lahiri believes that the characters should be well-defined and the depiction of the story language and scenes should be in sync with the original narrative. He highlighted the success of the earlier Ramayan series saying They should not change the base. The treatment of the Ramayana should be decent and respectful. It cannot be experimented with while making a new version. The language the depiction of the characters and the scenes need to be in sync with the epic. The characters should be well-defined. Our show was true to the essence of Ramayana and people across religions age groups and demographics connected with it and liked it. As quoted by ETimes. How far do you agree to this statement by Sunil Lahiri? Let us know in the comments below and for more such updates stay tuned.

via IWMBuzz

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