The outfit makes her look like 30 Anushka Sen gets trolled for her fashion choices Popular actress Anushka Sen has found herself on the receiving end of trolling due to her fashion choices. A video of the Baal Veer star posing for the paparazzi in a fashionable black and white bodycon midi dress has garnered attention. Anushka looked stunning with her sleek pulled back ponytail minimal makeup and complementing the outfit with block strappy white heels and a stylish white handbag. However it appears that not everyone shares the same opinion as netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with her fashion choices. Anushka Sen gets trolled for her fashion choices While Anushkas stylish ensemble received admiration from some it also attracted criticism from certain sections of social media users. Trolls took to commenting on her outfit suggesting that it made her look older than her actual age of 20. Despite the divas confident and fashionable appearance netizens expressed their discontent highlighting a difference in taste and opinions. Check out video below- Such instances highlight the fact that celebrities often face scrutiny and criticism for their fashion choices with online platforms providing an outlet for individuals to voice their opinions. It is important to remember that fashion is subjective and personal style can vary widely. While some may appreciate and admire Anushkas fashion sense others may have differing views emphasizing the diversity of preferences in the realm of fashion. As Anushka Sen continues to make her mark in the entertainment industry it is expected that she will encounter both positive and negative feedback on various aspects of her public persona including her fashion choices. Ultimately individual expression and personal style should be celebrated allowing celebrities to confidently embrace their unique fashion sense without fear of excessive criticism or unnecessary trolling. What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments

via IWMBuzz

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