Inside Darshan Ravals Mahiye Jinna Sohna studio sessions watch video Darshan Raval the popular digital singer recently gave fans a glimpse into the studio sessions of his latest music video Mahiye Jinna Sohna. In a video shared by Darshan himself he takes us behind the scenes showcasing the process of recording the song. Darshan Ravals video from studio The video features Darshan alongside his brother DJ Lijo who is seen collaborating on the music production. The studio session captures the energy and enthusiasm of the team as they work together to bring the song to life. With Arbaz A. Khan on guitars the musical elements blend harmoniously creating a captivating sound. In his social media post Darshan expressed his excitement for the studio session referring to DJ Lijo as his brother and acknowledging Arbaz A. Khans contribution on the guitars. The collaborative effort and the camaraderie among the artists are evident as they pour their creativity into the recording process. Check out the video- Mahiye Jinna Sohna is bound to captivate audiences with its soulful melodies and Darshan Ravals signature vocals. The studio session video offers fans a sneak peek into the behind-the-scenes magic that goes into creating such a musical masterpiece. Reactions One wrote Tum sab behind the stage kitni mehnat krte ho aur kuch log ek sec. Me song ko judge krke chale jate hai. So only concentrate on positive vibes no negativity Another wrote I cannot tell you how much your music means to me. it takes me to another place where Im able to forget about all my worries and is able to renew my spirit. I think this is very powerful. Every night I fall asleep to your music. You truly are a musical artist of the highest calling and your music touches so many on so many levels spirituality emotionally and physically I know it has me.

via IWMBuzz

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