Heres what Priyanka Chopra had to say about not auditioning for Citadel Priyanka Chopra is undeniably a global star. With her remarkable talent charismatic personality and relentless dedication to her craft she has successfully made a name for herself not only in Bollywood but also in Hollywood and on the international stage. Having begun her career as Miss World 2000 Priyanka quickly transitioned into acting captivating audiences with her versatility and captivating performances. Her breakthrough role in the Bollywood film Fashion earned her critical acclaim and numerous awards solidifying her position as one of the industrys leading actresses. And now that she is making all the buzz across the globe with Citadel getting all the love it definitely led a smile on our face when Peecee confidently admitted that she didnt have to audition for Citadel. Priyanka shared that unlike her first Hollywood project where she had to go through the audition process she did not have to audition for Citadel. She expressed that auditioning for roles is a normal part of the industry and not something to be looked down upon. She emphasized that auditions should be encouraged as they allow for talent to shine through. In a subtle reference to nepotism she stated that casting decisions should be based on merit rather than being influenced by temporary trends or personal connections. Confident in her own abilities Priyanka mentioned that as an actress who has enjoyed being a leading lady in Bollywood she knows her work speaks for itself and wouldnt be sidelined by the audition process. She expressed her belief in being a good actor and emphasized that she will secure the job based on her talent and track record just as she did with her previous success in Quantico. She concluded her statement by asserting her self-assurance stating that she is not underconfident in any way.

via IWMBuzz

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