Alia Bhatt Ananya Panday to Ranbir Kapoor all look irresistibly cute as kids in AI-generated pictures With all the fancy technology advancements and super-duper computing power AI has gone from basic to mind-blowing in no time. Those machine learning algorithms have gotten smarter than a smarty-pants owl learning from loads of data and getting better with every try. AI definitely boosts one artists creativity if used wisely. Speaking of AI in recent times several artists have been regenerating pictures of stars. Earlier pictures of popular prominent Bollywood stars went viral when an artist regenerated them imagining how they would look when old. And now another made a series where we see famous celebs from B-town starting from Alia Bhatt to Ranbir Kapoor as kids. Good Times shared the slew of pictures on their official Instagram handle where we can see the stars looking irresistibly cute as kids in the AI generated pictures. Sharing them the page wrote An Instagram user who goes by the name @withgokul recently shared some cute looking pictures of some of our favourite celebrities reimagined as school kids. These AI generated images are now winning over the internet and we just cant get over how cute they look. Here take a look at the pictures- Reactions One wrote Its not their school kid version its more like dwarf version. Another wrote Ranbir kapoor looks like a killer who is 50 years old but disguised as a Kid to kill people A third user wrote So basically ranbir kapoor has always been old

via IWMBuzz

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