Tabu, Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh celebrate 4 years of De De Pyaar De It’s a monumental day for the De De Pyaar De cast, as the film clock four this year. Celebrating the day, the stars took to their social media handle to share some unseen glimpses from the movie along with some sweet messages, to cherish the memories together. Earlier Tabu shared on her Instagram, and now Rakul dropped a picture from the movie, with a heart-felt message for the cast. Rakul Preet Singh shares picture from the movie Rakul Preet Singh can be seen in a rocking outfit accompanied by Ajay Devgn and Tabu in one picture. All three looked stunning together in their classy style file in the scene from the iconic movie. Sharing the picture, Rakul Preet Singh wrote, “I can’t believe it’s been 4 years .. thankyouu to the entire team for an amazing memorable experience. Ayesha will always be very very special. #4yearsofddpd” Check out- About De De Pyaar De Directed by Akiv Ali, the film “De De Pyaar De” intricately weaves a story around Ashish, a middle-aged man who embarks on an unconventional journey of love with Ayesha, a woman much younger than him. As their relationship blossoms, Ashish takes the daring step of introducing Ayesha to his ex-wife Manju and his children, hoping for acceptance and harmony. However, this decision sets in motion a chain of unforeseen events, challenging societal norms and testing the bonds of family and friendship. The film delves into the complexities of love, age, and relationships, captivating audiences with its poignant narrative and thought-provoking exploration of human emotions.

via IWMBuzz

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