Ranbir Kapoor wants Shah Rukh Khan to babysit his and Alia’s daughter, Raha https://ift.tt/I6MkHB0 Last year, popular Bollywood couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor joyfully welcomed their baby girl into the world. The proud parents lovingly named her Raha. Although Alia has yet to introduce their little bundle of joy to the public, she has shared a few glimpses of their precious daughter. Just last month, the actress delighted fans by posting an adorable photo of Ranbir tenderly babysitting their baby girl. Ranbir Kapoor wants SRK to babysit Raha Recently, a video made waves on social media, featuring Ranbir Kapoor discussing his experience as a father and sharing his thoughts on who would make an ideal babysitter for their daughter, Raha Kapoor. Interestingly, Ranbir does not mention himself or Alia when considering the caregivers. Instead, he selects a prominent figure from the film industry whom he believes would be the perfect choice. That person is none other than the renowned Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan. During a promotional event for the film “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar,” Ranbir was asked to name an actor who he thought would excel as a babysitter for his precious daughter. https://ift.tt/fcMsSOt Ranbir Kapoor said, “I think Shah Rukh Khan will be a great babysitter. All he has to do is this (gesturing his signature open arms pose) and I am sure Raha will be very happy to see him doing that.” Major Throwback: When Ranbir Kapoor revealed having a crush on her chemistry teacher

via IWMBuzz https://ift.tt/I6MkHB0

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