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Priyanka Chopra talks about another mistreatment she faced in Bollywood Priyanka Chopra recently disclosed a distressing incident from her early days in Bollywood, wherein she experienced discomfort caused by a director on a film set. The actress candidly shared that the incident left her feeling humiliated to such an extent that she chose to withdraw from the project. In an interview with The Zoe Report, Priyanka Chopra bravely recounted the incident, describing a distressing moment where the director, during the shooting of a stripping scene for a character undercover, insisted on seeing her “underwear.” The actress’s decision to speak out sheds light on the challenges faced by artists in the industry and highlights the importance of fostering a safe and respectful work environment for all. Priyanka Chopra’s revelation She said, “This may have been 2002 or ’03… I’m undercover, I’m seducing the guy – obviously that’s what girls do when they’re undercover. But I’m seducing the guy and you have to take off one piece of clothing (at a time). I wanted to layer up. The filmmaker was like, No, I need to see her underwear. Otherwise why is anybody coming to watch this movie?” She added, “He didn’t say it to me. He said it to the stylist in front of me. It was such a dehumanizing moment. It was a feeling of, I’m nothing else outside of how I can be used, my art is not important, what I contribute is not important.” And later she walked out of the movie, for she couldn’t look at him everyday. She concluded and said, “I’ve never said this so I’m going to say it because you’ll make me feel safe” and continued, “I was being pushed into a corner in the industry (Bollywood). I had people not casting me, I had beef with people, I am not good at playing that game so I kind of was tired of the politics and I said I needed a break.” As quoted by News 18.
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