Kriti Sanon’s special selfie camera diaries The dynamic and hardworking Kriti Sanon has been leaving no stone unturned to keep up with her busy schedule. Juggling her commitments and shooting for long hours, the actress recently surprised her fans with a candid glimpse into her hectic life. After an exhausting marathon of work that lasted an astonishing 25 hours straight, Kriti finally found a well-deserved moment of respite. Kriti Sanon shares candid video from her bedroom Seizing the opportunity to catch some much-needed rest, she playfully recorded a video as she prepared to embark on a blissful 5-hour slumber. In her signature relatable style, Kriti shared this behind-the-scenes snippet on her Instagram stories, giving her fans a peek into the life of a dedicated and tireless artist. It’s evident that even amidst her demanding schedule, Kriti maintains her charming and lighthearted spirit, reminding us that hard work and a little dose of humor can go hand in hand. As Kriti Sanon recharges her batteries and prepares for the next adventure, her fans eagerly await her future projects and continue to applaud her dedication and zest for life. Here take a look at the video: Work Front One of her notable projects is “Mimi,” where she plays the lead role of a surrogate mother, delivering a heartfelt performance that has garnered immense praise. Additionally, Kriti will be seen in “Bachchan Pandey,” sharing the screen with the versatile Akshay Kumar. The film promises to be an entertaining ride filled with action and humor. She is also part of “Adipurush,” a magnum opus that brings together a stellar cast and is helmed by director Om Raut.

via IWMBuzz

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