Kiara Advani, Rashmika Mandanna and Anushka Sharma shower love on Karan Johar, see adorable snaps The tinsel town is buzzing with excitement as the iconic filmmaker Karan Johar celebrates his birthday today. The beloved director, known for his unparalleled contributions to Indian cinema, is being showered with heartfelt wishes from celebrities across the industry. Leading the pack, Rashmika Mandanna, Anushka Sharma, and Kiara Advani took to social media to express their admiration for Karan and shared unseen pictures capturing their special moments with him. These glimpses into their cherished memories with the esteemed filmmaker not only warmed hearts but also served as a reminder of the profound impact Karan has had on their lives. As the industry unites to celebrate this milestone, Karan Johar’s birthday serves as a joyous occasion to honor his remarkable talent, creativity, and the indelible mark he has left on Bollywood. Rashmika Mandanna Rashmika Mandanna took to her Instagram stories to share a picture of Karan Johar with his kids. Sharing the adorable picture, she wrote, “Happy Birthday always wish you the best” Kiara Advani The Shershaah actress took to her Instagram stories to share a candid picture with Karan Johar, probably from her wedding. Looking all spectacular in their ethnic ensembles, Kiara wrote, “Happy Birthday Karan Johar, here’s to your bestest year ahead” Anushka Sharma The actress shared a dapper picture of Karan Johar and wrote, “Happy Birthday Karan, Wishing you love and light always”

via IWMBuzz

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