Inside Parineeti Chopra-Raghav Chaddha’s engagement, see pics Popular Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra recently announced her engagement to politician Raghav Chadha in a glamorous event held on Saturday. The star-studded evening was graced by esteemed guests, including Parineeti’s globally renowned sister, Priyanka Chopra, acclaimed fashion designer Manish Malhotra, and the esteemed Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal. Priyanka, who arrived in New Delhi on the same day, delighted her followers by sharing exclusive, never-before-seen photographs from the enchanting engagement ceremony on her official Instagram account. Priyanka Chopra shares pictures Priyanka graciously treated her fans to a delightful snapshot capturing the blissful couple, followed by a series of captivating photographs showcasing her cherished family members, including Siddharth Chopra and Kamini Chopra, among others. The talented actor also shared a stylish portrait alongside her brother Siddharth, both sporting trendy sunglasses, exuding an undeniable sense of suave fashion. Sharing the pictures, PeeCee wrote, “Congratulations Tisha and Raghav… Cannot wait for the wedding! So happy for you both and the families so fun to catch up with the fam!” Parineeti-Raghav engagement Amidst the elegance of Delhi’s prestigious Kapurthala House, Parineeti and Raghav exchanged engagement vows, marking a significant milestone in their journey together. The radiant couple, who graciously posed for the press following the ceremony, also delighted their followers by unveiling their very first snapshots from the auspicious event on their respective Instagram profiles.

via IWMBuzz

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