Anushka Sen is all awe of her mother’s beautiful rendition of a Tagore song, shares video Anushka Sen, known for her enchanting portrayal in the popular series “Baal Veer,” recently took to her Instagram stories to showcase her mother’s Rupa Sen, hidden talent and melt the hearts of her fans. The young actress shared a delightful reel featuring her mother, as she effortlessly sang a mesmerizing Tagore song. Overflowing with admiration and pride, Anushka couldn’t help but shower her mother with praises for her soulful and melodious voice. With each note, Anushka’s mother effortlessly captured the essence of the song, leaving listeners captivated and yearning for more. It seems that talent truly runs in the family, and Anushka Sen’s infectious enthusiasm and support for her mother’s musical talents have undoubtedly added an extra touch of warmth and joy to her Instagram feed. It’s safe to say that this mother-daughter duo has not only won hearts with their on-screen performances but has also captivated audiences with their off-screen bond and shared love for music. Rupa Sen’s amazing voice Rupa Sen is quite active on her Instagram too. She has over 150k followers on her Instagram handle. She shared the reel on her Instagram, with a sketch of Tagore, while her beautiful voice leaves us all wowed in amazement in the background. Sharing the video, Rupa wrote, “A humble attempt to this beautiful song #rabindranathtagore #rabindrasangeet #bengalisong #passion #singing” Here take a look-  

via IWMBuzz

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