Alia Bhatt goes all ‘awe’ of Anushka Sharma’s Cannes look Anushka Sharma, the stunning Bollywood actress, made a dazzling debut at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival this year. As a brand ambassador for L’Oreal, she effortlessly commanded the spotlight with her impeccable sense of style. Anushka’s look for the Cannes Anushka’s choice of attire for the occasion was a strapless ivory sheath gown, designed by the talented Richard Quinn, which featured a mesmerizing floral-shaped ruffle armour. The Bollywood diva received an outpouring of admiration from her industry peers for her red carpet ensemble. To complement the elegant gown, she opted for a sleek hairbun, allowing the gown’s intricate details to shine. Anushka’s makeup was kept minimal, with a dewy complexion, soft eyes, and pink lips, adding a touch of freshness and radiance to her overall look. Completing her glamorous appearance were a pair of drop diamond earrings adorned with white beads, adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble. Anushka Sharma’s debut at Cannes was undoubtedly a remarkable moment, where her impeccable fashion choices and timeless beauty truly captivated the audience, solidifying her status as a style icon in the world of cinema. Take a look- Alia Bhatt goes all awe of Anushka As soon as the Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi actress shared the pictures on her social media handle, Alia Bhatt who made her debut at Met Gala this year went all awestruck with her stunning look. She wrote, “stunning you are” alongwith a love heart emoji.

via IWMBuzz

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