Veteran actor Annu Kapoor hospitalized in Delhi, all details inside Annu Kapoor is one of the most talented and versatile actors that we currently have in the Hindi entertainment industry. He’s a veteran in the true sense of the term and has been entertaining one and all since the very beginning of his career. He’s been a successful TV host, actor and performing artiste in every way and we love it. Right now however, we get a piece of really sad news coming from his end. As per the latest media reports in India Today, Annu Kapoor has been admitted to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital after he complained of chest pain. He was admitted in the hospital in the early hours. The good thing however is that he’s currently stable and recovering. He is reportedly admitted under Dr. Sushant Wattal in the cardiology department. We at IWMBuzz wish him a super speedy recovery going forward. Let us know all your views in the comments section below and for more updates, stay tuned to

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