via IWMBuzz
Akshara Singh Shines Like A Diamond In A Glittery Outfit Akshara Singh is a Bhojpuri actress who is known to entertain her fans with her engaging and funny content on her social media profile. The actress shared a reel with her social media family in which Akshara Singh can be seen lip-syncing to a very viral and trendy reel. The actress wore a shimmery peach-colored sequin blazer jacket on a plain blacktop. She shined like a diamond in this glittery outfit and her eyeliner too consisted of a glittery golden color that matched with her sparkly outfit. The star captioned her reel with ‘Bhokne wale bhokte hi rah Jayenge Kya kahti public?’ along with fire, heart, and flower emoji. Her fans quickly turned to her comment section to comment on her reel and they all agreed to the question asked by the actress in her caption. To get the complete look, she chose to style her hair in a perfectly tied-up high bun and dangling golden earrings, pink checks, and peachy lip color. She looked drop-dead gorgeous in this outfit. In another reel, Akshara donned a black shimmery halter neck dress and danced to the song ‘Saiyaan Ji by Yo Yo Honey Singh that features Nushrat Barucha in the music video. Akshara danced her heart out giving fun expressions in the reel video and her followers showered her with lots of appreciation and love for the reel. Akshara looks sizzling hot in glittery outfits and these reels videos are proof. Take a peek at the Bhojpuri beauty in glittery outfits. The post Akshara Singh Shines Like A Diamond In A Glittery Outfit appeared first on IWMBuzz.
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